
Vacation at Lolland

Great events at Lolland and Falster

Nykøbing Falster Revyen

Østergågade 2
4800 Nykøbing Falster


Nykøbing Falster revue, a fantastic new show every year. But see the website, there are other shows as well

Nykøbing Falster Teater

Østergågade 2
4800 Nykøbing Falster


The house of the Nykøbing Falster Revue. It is a concert and theater hall, so when it´s not used for the revue, its used for comedy, live music, lectures etc.
Find the event calender here.


Det gl. Elværk
Banegårdspladsen 1
4930 Maribo


Nørregadeteatret performs both inside the old power plant and out in Hylddalen in Maribo. Tickets can be booked at the website.
- Feel free to keep an eye on the website, as there are also live cconcerts arranged in collaboration with the venue Stars in Vordingborg.

The Calender

The calender is broken down by month, as the dates of each event kan vary from year to you.
We recomment that you google the event you find interesting, to find out when it will appear.
- We accept no liability for events that do not accur.



- Nytårsmarch in Knuthenborg Safaripark
4 or 7 km march through the park, always the first of January


- Shrove Tuesday in Kettinge
Dressing up and barrel-beating for the kids

- Week 7
Winter holiday on Lolland and Falster, A lot of activities in the area that vary every year.


- Gymnastics shows in the gymnastics associations on Lolland and Falster
Including Kettinge


- - - More info will follow


- Døllefjeldemussemarked in Døllefjelde
Fleamarket, tivoli, live music - free to attent, but there is a fee for parking

- Streetrace show in Bregninge
Legal Streetrace in the streets around the property. The area is closed, so it will not be possible to pass the streets during the race


- Nykøbing Falster Revyen in Nykøbing
Summer review. New show every year, in June, July and August.

- Whitsun festival at Christiansæde Castle
A new festival, first time in 2022, at Whitsun.

- Hippoaden in Knuthenborg Safaripark
Lots of beautiful horses and skilled riders in the big riding competition in Knuthenborg Safari Park

- Madens folkemøde at Engetofte Gods
Delicious food, stalls, lectures and networks


- Nykøbing Falster Revyen in Nykøbing
Summer review. New show every year, in June, July and August.

- Kunsthåndværkermarked at Lilletorv in Nykøbing Falster
Crafts marked at the square by the church, followed by a tour of the church and an organ concert

- Wednesday market in Maribo
Flea-market and horse-drawn carriage ride

- Hornfiskefestival in Dannemare (Kramnitze)
Coziness, music and lots of smoked hornfish

- Fejø festival
Lecture, Jazz music, classic music, children concerts and round tours at Fejø

- Maribo Jazz
Live music in the streets and in the church

- Det længste loppemarked in Sakskøbing
Orebyvej in Sakskøbing is turned into a long fleamarked


- Nykøbing Falster Revyen in Nykøbing
Summer review. New show every year, in June, July and August.

- Summerparty and flea market in Sundby
The KFUM  scouts annual flea market

- Wednesday market in Maribo
Flea-market and horse-drawn carriage ride

- Kunsthåndværkermarked at Lilletorv in Nykøbing Falster
Crafts marked at the square by the church, followed by a tour of the church and an organ concert

- Storstrømmens Country Festival in Sakskøbing
A new festival in Sakskøbing with country music on two stages

- Wickmann Festival in Nykøbing F
A festival with folk music and blues.

- Kajkutterfestival in Nysted
Coziness, boats, live music, regatta and crab races

- Middelaldermarked in Nysted
Shows, Middel Ages marked and food

- Plantemarked in Kettinge Grusgrav
Fleamarked with plants and nice things for the garden

- Nørregadeteater in Hylddalen in Maribo
Outside theater in hylddalen, by the artist from Nørregadeteater

- Junglerun in Knuthenborg Safaripark
Junglerun is a family obstacle course where everyone can participate. The race is carried out as a team, where one adult and one child between 5-12 years form a team

- Gadeteaterfestival in Nykøbing F
Outside theater and danceshows in the streets of Nykøbing f

- Lys over Lolland in Sakskøbing
Art exhibition

- Sydhavsrally on Lolland and Falster
Roadracing with national and international racers, the route will be revealed on the day. Find out more on sydhavsrally.dk


- Sydhavsøernes frugtfestival in Sakskøbing
Food stalls, with fruit and exclusive products to bring home

- Åbent Landbrug in LFH Rideklub in Kettinge
Open agriculture in Kettinge at the Riding Club

- Beautiful flower fields at Grænge Skovvej, Toreby
You can pick your own bouquet, and pay on the spot

- Spejdernes loppemarked in Sakskøbing
Scout´s fleamarket, once a year

- Madens folkemøde at Engetofte Gods
What we eat, and how we produce it. Debates, workshops, show kitchens, conversations and more

- Octoberparty in Maribo Hallerne
Beer and live music

- Viking Market at Natur Camp Kildevej
You find it at Kildevejens frugt, Kildevej 5, Kettinge


- Alternativ messe in Maribo
Fair in Maribo for everyone, where you can meet therapists. Like clairvoyance, healing, essential oils, tarot cards, hand reading, hypnosis, numerology, massage and ect.

- Week 42
Autumn holiday at Lolland and Falster, A lot of activities in the area that vary every year, we recommend a childrens flea market in Nakskov Sports Center.

- Aztekernes flea market in Holeby
Scouts´annual flea market


- Juletræstænding
Christmas tree lighting in all the big cities on Lolland and Falster, including Kettinge

- Black Friday shopping
Special offers and long opening hours in almost every shop

- Christmasmarket in Nysted
Last saturday in november

- Christmasmarket at Middelaldercentret
Traditional Christmas market in a mediaval atmosphere. Everything good for the Christmas table, the presents and the tree.


- Julemarked at Engetofte Gods
Special magical Christmas atmosphere. Stalls, live music, Santa's workshop, Lucia processions, guided tours with the old guard, a rich selection of applied art, decorations, ceramics, jewelry, flowers, elves and everything else your Christmas heart can desire.

- Lolland Falsters største juleoptog in Sakskøbing
The biggest Christmas procession at Lolland and Falster, a big christmas attraction

- Juleoptog in LFH Rideklub in Kettinge
The Riding Club in Kettinge has a christmas procession in Kettinge.

- Julegudstjeneste in Bregninge Kirke
Every year on christmas eve, there is a christmas service in the little red church across the street